Brillante! Podrian los Moody realmente tener sangre real? Judy nos trae este nuevo episodio sobre los altibajos de explorar un arbol genealogico. Judy Moody esta de un humor Purpura Real. Con la ayuda de su abuela Lou, ha desenterrado pruebas de que algunos antepasados Moody vivian en la antigua Inglaterra y, si las notas de su abuelo son correctas, Judy incluso podria ser familia lejana de la propia reina! Pero cuando las ramas del arbol genealogico de Judy se sacuden un poco mas, surgen algunas sorpresas. Caramba! Ahora Judy tiene algunos secretos de la familia real que le gustaria mantener escondidos en algun calabozo!English DESCRIPTIONJolly smashing! Could the Moodys really have royal blood? Judy brings her new look to a comical episode about the ups and downs of exploring a family tree. Judy Moody is in a royal Purple Mountain Majesties mood. With Grandma Lou's help, she's dug up proof that some old-timey Moodys lived in merry olde England - and if her grandpa's notes are right, Judy might even be related to the Queen herself! But when the branches of Judy's family tree get a few more shakes, some surprises come tumbling out. Crikey! Now Judy has some right royal family secrets she'd like to keep hidden away in a dungeon somewhere!

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