Explore a shipwreck Hop in the whale vehicle with Ariel and Flounder and swim over to the wreck to take a look. Oh, a chest with a dinglehopper and spell book Take the book to Ursula and see what she says about it. Wow, what a big cauldron Ursula can make so many potions in that. Next head to Ariel's crystal cavern to look at all her treasures and maybe have a dance
Explore a shipwreck Hop in the whale vehicle with Ariel and Flounder and swim over to the wreck to take a look. Oh, a chest with a dinglehopper and spell book Take the book to Ursula and see what she says about it. Wow, what a big cauldron Ursula can make so many potions in that. Next head to Ariel's crystal cavern to look at all her treasures and maybe have a dance