This kid's bike is specially designed for your fast-growing children from 3 to 8 years. It has a height-adjustable handlebar and seat , which allows kids of different heights to ride with comfortable riding posture. Featuring an attractive and stylish outlook, this kid's bike is sure to be a perfect gift for beginners to learn to ride. Apart from that, it also comes with a cute basket to fulfill kids' storage requirements, adding more fun to their riding.
This kid's bike is specially designed for your fast-growing children from 3 to 8 years. It has a height-adjustable handlebar and seat , which allows kids of different heights to ride with comfortable riding posture. Featuring an attractive and stylish outlook, this kid's bike is sure to be a perfect gift for beginners to learn to ride. Apart from that, it also comes with a cute basket to fulfill kids' storage requirements, adding more fun to their riding.