This bike features adjustable handlebars (30.7"-32.7") and seat height (24.5"-29"). The customized height will be suitable for 4-8 years old kids or toddlers. 2 anti-slip wheels can move safely and smoothly on flat surfaces. What s more, there is a hand brake (shorter distance for kids small hands) and a coaster brake (pedal backwards to instantly stop), allowing your little rider to stop the bike safely. Our padded saddle provides kids with a comfortable riding experience.
This bike features adjustable handlebars (30.7"-32.7") and seat height (24.5"-29"). The customized height will be suitable for 4-8 years old kids or toddlers. 2 anti-slip wheels can move safely and smoothly on flat surfaces. What s more, there is a hand brake (shorter distance for kids small hands) and a coaster brake (pedal backwards to instantly stop), allowing your little rider to stop the bike safely. Our padded saddle provides kids with a comfortable riding experience.