Simplify the baking equation to add up to bread, of all kinds, on any schedule, as often as every day. Introducing the only cookbook to put homemade bread and convenience in the same sentence whether you're a beginner baker or an enthusiast. Learn seven core recipes and then manipulate them into different shapes and flavors with ease for tons of new breads. Fit bread into your schedule with flexible, customizable timetables. Maybe you're looking to get bread on the table tonight, or maybe spreading steps over a few days is better for you. Recipes follow both paths, with new, streamlined techniques, no specialty equipment, and even loaves with no yeast, kneading, or shaping. You won't believe the chewy, open crumb and ultra crisp crust you'll get from no-knead Dutch oven baked loaves, the ease of quick breads that come together with a stir, and the dinner possibilities for flatbreads of all kinds. Bake fast with a lively new roster of quick breads- Three-Ingredient Bread mimics yeasted loaves with a simple stir. Potato Biscuits with Bacon are on the dinner table in an hour. Master 7 core dough recipes and then remix with confidence- American Sandwich Bread levels up to loaves swirled with spicy zhoug, crusted with seeds, or shaped into multipurpose buns and batards. Impress with our reinvented Rustic No-Knead Bread- You don't need experience to turn out a beautiful.

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  • Promotion_id
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  • Sale_price
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