An essential addition to the knitter's bookshelf." -Library Journal (starred review)The ultimate knitting reference, from the world's most recognized knitting magazine, gets a thorough update-including 1,600 color images and brand-new sections with techniques and designs! First published in 1989, Vogue Knitting The Ultimate Knitting Book instantly became a beloved resource for knitters. The second edition, released in 2002, further cemented its place as the most trusted knitting resource. The past 15 years have seen many exciting advances in knitting, and this update encompasses them all. It features an expanded library of cast-ons, increases, decreases, and bind-offs; in-depth sections on newly favorite techniques such as brioche, entrelac, double knitting, and mosaic knitting; and design and construction chapters that go beyond just sweaters to encompass dozens of options for hats, mittens, socks, gloves, and more than 25 shawl shapes. Comprehensive chapters cover lace and cabling, and provide even more Information than before on knitters' tools, correcting errors, finishing, embellishing, and garment care to give you a masterly understanding of every stage of knitting.

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