The definitive portrait of Queen Elizabeth Ii by a renowned royal biographer in an updated Commemorative Edition following Her Majesty's passing, 1926-2022. As seen on Good Morning America, Cnn, Cbs, the Bbc, and more. Shy but with a steely self-confidence, inscrutable despite ten decades in the public eye, unflappable, devout, indulgent, outwardly reserved, inwardly passionate, unsentimental, inquisitive, young at heart. Even with her recent passing at age ninety-six, she remains a twenty-first-century global phenomenon commanding unrivaled respect and affection. Sealed off during the greatest peacetime emergency of modern times, she has stuck to her own maxim- I have to be seen to be believed. Robert Hardman, one of Britain's most acclaimed royal biographers, now wraps up the full story of one of the undisputed greats in a thousand years of monarchy. Hardman distills Elizabeth's complex life into a must-read study of dynastic survival and renewal. It is a portrait of a world leader who remains as intriguing today as the day she came to the throne at age twenty-five. With peerless access to members of the Royal Family, staff, friends, and royal records, Queen of Our Times brings fresh insights and scholarship to the modern royal story.

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