Paradigm-influencing A very readable page-turner. "-Scot McKnight, Christianity Today"Jesus and John Wayne is a tour-de-force indictment of the white evangelical cult of masculinity. "-Michael Rea, Salon"Not only one of the most important books on religion and the 2016 elections but one of the most important books on post-1945 American evangelicalism published in the past four decades. "-Jon Butler, Church History"I hear people say all the time that Trump's election was a tragedy for evangelicals, but after reading this book, I wonder if it isn't their greatest victory. "-Sean Illing, Vox"Brilliant and engaging Across chapters ranging from 'John Wayne Will Save Your Ass' to 'Holy Balls, ' Du Mez peppers her text with entertaining (and sometimes horrifying) examples. "-Matthew Avery Sutton, The New Republic"It is impossible to do justice to the richness of Jesus and John Wayne in a short review, but one of the key points the book stresses is that as Christian nationalists, the vast majority of white evangelicals believe that our country's flourishing depends on aggressive male leadership. The pervasive abusive patterns of white evangelical subculture replicate themselves on a large social scale in.

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