The small green chest was concealed at the back of her father's wardrobe. Its hinges were made of brass that must once have shone, but now the surface was roughened and dull. As she opened the lock, there was only one thing inside- a letter, postmarked 1895, Paris. England, 1895. Louisa West, a young beauty from Boston, looks like she has it all- a handsome husband, she is lady of Ashworth Manor and one day she'll be a duchess. But in truth, her life is falling apart. Louisa's honeymoon is barely over when her husband deserts her, leaving her devastated and alone. She flees to Paris, longing to escape her grief, but finds only tragedy Boston, 2015. Life hasn't been kind to Sarah West. In one year, she has lost both her parents and her marriage. After her father's death, Sarah is sorting through his belongings when she finds a letter about her mysterious ancestor, Louisa. There have always been whispers in the family about Louisa's suicide from a high balcony in Paris but as Sarah reads, she starts to question everything she was told. Desperate to leave her broken heart behind, she books a trip to Paris to find out more When Sarah arrives in the city of lights, the cobbled streets of Montmartre and the river Seine at twilight make her heart sing.

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