Diary of a Wimpy Kid gets a little sister twist in this wildly funny and highly illustrated companion to middle grade novel Dear Sister from New York Times bestselling author Alison McGhee that brings sibling rivalry and love to life through a series of letters. Sister has been the overlooked younger sibling for her Whole entire life. She knows the drill. Her brother banjo band is praised while no one acknowledges Sister bongo skills. Sister does the grunt work, but Brother gets the credit. but this time, the blatant injustice has gone too far. This time, America Famous Nothing has been granted the incredible power of choosing the family pet. And what does he choose? Certainly not a dog, the pet Sister has begged and pleaded for her whole entire life a pet the whole family could love. No, Brother chooses a bearded dragon. Sister is outraged. The picture of injured dignity, she refuses to acknowledge the creature existence. It doesn't matter how much it stares at her or bobs its head to her bon going, Sister is unmoved. Then, adding insult to injury, Brother gets to go to summer camp, leaving Sister at home to take care of his disgusting lizard. Sister refuses to suffer in silence. She sends Brother letter after letter detailing her disdain for the scaly burden he saddled her with even if the aptly nick-named Frightful isn't too awful.

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