There's a new breed of justice in town, and he's ready to sniff out criminals -- as soon as he stops chasing his own tail! New from the creator of Captain Underpants, it's Dog Man, the #1 New York Times bestselling, crime-biting canine who is part dog, part man, and All Hero! George and Harold have created a new hero who digs into deception, claws after crooks, and rolls over robbers. When Greg the police dog and his cop companion are injured on the job, a life-saving surgery changes the course of history, and Dog Man is born. With the head of a dog and the body of a human, this heroic hound has a real nose for justice. But can he resist the call of the wild to answer the call of duty?Jorge y Berto han creado a un nuevo heroe que desenmascara el engano y ataca a los ladrones. Cuando el perro de la policia y su companero policia se lesionan, una cirugia cambia el curso de la historia y nace Hombre Perro. Con la cabeza de un perro y el cuerpo de un humano, este perro tiene un gran olfato para la justicia. Pero podra mas su naturaleza perruna que la llamada del deber?

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