Ex-best friends, Tiwa and aid, must work together to ave their Islamic Center from demolition, in this romantic tory of rekindling and rebuilding by award-winning authors Faridah Adiba Jaigirdar The town of New Crosshaven has it all even its own infamous love tory. These days, aid Hossain pends most of his time away at boarding chool. But when his favorite hometown librarian, Ms. Barnes, dies, he must return to New Crosshaven for her funeral and for the ummer. Too bad being home makes it a lot harder to avoid facing his ex best friend, Tiwa Olatunji, or facing the daunting task of telling his Bangladeshi parents that he would rather be an artist than a doctor. Tiwa doesnt understand what made aid tart ignoring her, but it probably that fancy boarding chool of his. Though he unexpectedly taying at home through the ummer, he determined to take a page from him and pretend he doesnt exist. Besides, he has more than enough going on anyway, between grieving her broken family and helping her mother throw the upcoming Eid celebration at the Islamic Center a place that means o much to Tiwa. But when the Islamic Center accidentally catches fire, it turns out the mayor plans to demolish the center entirely. Things are till tense between the ex-friends, but Tiwa needs aid help if there any hope of…

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