Breathe" is a graphic guide to chest binding, featuring real-life stories and research-backed advice from bestselling Gender Queer author Maia Kobabe and University of Michigan professor Sarah Peitzmeier. The book emerged from the need for a resource for individuals considering chest binding as gender-affirming care. Dr. Peitzmeier conducted interviews with twenty-five people of different ages and backgrounds about their binding journeys, which were then combined with evidence-based resources on binding by Kobabe and Peitzmeier. "Breathe" serves as both a practical resource for nonbinary individuals and an engaging, perspective-broadening read for anyone interested in the journey of expressing their gender in ways that are joyful, healthy, and affirming.
Breathe" is a graphic guide to chest binding, featuring real-life stories and research-backed advice from bestselling Gender Queer author Maia Kobabe and University of Michigan professor Sarah Peitzmeier. The book emerged from the need for a resource for individuals considering chest binding as gender-affirming care. Dr. Peitzmeier conducted interviews with twenty-five people of different ages and backgrounds about their binding journeys, which were then combined with evidence-based resources on binding by Kobabe and Peitzmeier. "Breathe" serves as both a practical resource for nonbinary individuals and an engaging, perspective-broadening read for anyone interested in the journey of expressing their gender in ways that are joyful, healthy, and affirming.