The Bob Books boxed set that started it all This iconic phonics-based learn-to-read set has sold millions of copies, allowing children around the world to say with pride, "I read the whole book " Many early reader books contain words that are too difficult for a child who has just learned the sounds of the alphabet. Not these books with only four letter sounds in the first story M, A, T and S , children can read a whole book and their confidence grows. Kids love the stories and funny pictures and can't wait to read these books to everyone they know Inside the box you'll find-12 easy-to-read, hilarious small books, 12 pages each, 7-20 unique words per book Two- and three-letter words with short vowels that can be decoded or "sounded out" on, sat, can, ran Very simple sentences Sam sat . Very limited sight words New letter sounds added gradually across the books, until young readers have read books with all letters of the alphabet except Q Friendly, two-color illustrations that add fun and do not distract from the words A parent card with tips for helping your child learn to read Guided Reading Levels- A, B, C, Lexile Measure- Br - 290L, Bob Books Level- Stage 1 Ages- 4-6.

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