Free Express Shipping! Genaray Hex Lighting 36" Soft Strip 6-Light Pro Kit with Aluminum Stands 6 x SSL-36 Bi-Color Strip Lights, 5 x Sturdy Air-Cushioned Stands: 9.5', 1 x Combo Boom Stand: 12.95', 7 x Filled Orange 15 lb Sandbags, 1 x Two-Section...
Free Express Shipping! Genaray Hex Lighting 36" Soft Strip 6-Light Pro Kit with Aluminum Stands 6 x SSL-36 Bi-Color Strip Lights, 5 x Sturdy Air-Cushioned Stands: 9.5', 1 x Combo Boom Stand: 12.95', 7 x Filled Orange 15 lb Sandbags, 1 x Two-Section...