Free Shipping! Hoya HD MkII IRND Filter Kit with Wallet (72mm) ND8: Filter Factor 0.9, 3-Stop, ND64: Filter Factor 1.8, 6-Stop, ND1000: Filter Factor 3.0, 10-Stop, Solid ND with IR Attenuation, ACCU-ND Reduces Visible and IR Light, Darkens Entire...
Free Shipping! Hoya HD MkII IRND Filter Kit with Wallet (72mm) ND8: Filter Factor 0.9, 3-Stop, ND64: Filter Factor 1.8, 6-Stop, ND1000: Filter Factor 3.0, 10-Stop, Solid ND with IR Attenuation, ACCU-ND Reduces Visible and IR Light, Darkens Entire...