Free Express Shipping! Celestron PowerSeeker 80AZ 80mm f/5 AZ Refractor Telescope 80mm Aperture, 400mm Focal Length, f/5 Focal Ratio, Anti-Reflection Multi-Coated Optics, 1.25" Focuser and 20mm Eyepiece, Manual Alt-Azimuth Mount, 90° Erect-Image...
Free Express Shipping! Celestron PowerSeeker 80AZ 80mm f/5 AZ Refractor Telescope 80mm Aperture, 400mm Focal Length, f/5 Focal Ratio, Anti-Reflection Multi-Coated Optics, 1.25" Focuser and 20mm Eyepiece, Manual Alt-Azimuth Mount, 90° Erect-Image...